On December 11, 2023, we hosted our last event in a busy 2023!
Prof. He (City University of Hong Kong) and Prof. Xie (Wuhan University) provided updates about the protection of AI-generated works by Chinese copyright law; RCLIP Co-Director Prof. Ueno and Prof. Okumura (Keio University) supplemented the exchange by sharing the status quo and recent developments on AI and Japanese copyright law. Given the dynamic development of Chinese law, the seminar was timely and very interesting for both the audience and the organizers.
The seminar was conducted in Chinese and Japanese languages (simultaneous translation) and in hybrid format, being the first time that we hosted a seminar with app-based in-person translation. Things ran very smooth; especially for shorter seminar, please keep brining headphones and a smartphone to our seminars if you intend to rely on translation.
Comments by Professor Okumura during the panel discussion.
Speakers’ Dinner after the Conference, celebrating the end of a busy and succesful year 2023 for RCLIP!