Festschrift for Professor Ryochi Mimura

The Festschrift “Pioneering the Future of Intellectual Property Law“, celebrating the 70th birthday of RCLIP Senior Fellow Ryoichi Mimura, has been published in August 2024! The impressive collection of chapters authored by leading Japanese and international judges, academics, and practitioners included contributions by all current RCLIP Co-Directors, and many other RCLIP members.

About Professor Mimura and the Book:

Ryoichi Mimura has been one of the most influential professionals in the area of intellectual property law in Japan throughout the last decades. He has started his career as a judge, and decided multiple groundbreaking disputes in all areas of IP law as a presiding judge at the Tokyo District Court’s IP Division and as a judge at the IP High Court. Following his retirement from the bench in 2009, he became one of the most sought-after litigators in Japan, and represented parties in many pivotal IP cases throughout the last 15 years. Ryoichi Mimura has also been appointed as a Visiting Professor at Waseda University Law School in 2010, where he taught until 2023. He remains active as a leading lawyer, commentator, and as a Senior Fellow at RCLIP.

The Festschrift includes the following contributions from RCLIP members:

Kato: 新規性、進歩性の判断における刊行物からの引用発明の認定──「発明」としての認定に関する論点について (Recognition of cited inventions from publications in determining novelty and inventive step: issues regarding recognition as "inventions")

Suzuki: 特許制度の国際調和と欧州の新制度に関する覚書 (Memorandum on the International Harmonization of Patent Systems and the New European System)

Takabe: 一事不再理再考 (Reconsidering the non bis in idem doctrine)

Takenaka: 共創イノベーション・CE政策に資する消尽理論 (Exhaustion theory contributing to co-creation innovation and CE policy)

Hattori: ネットワーク型システム発明の国境を跨いだ実施に関する大合議判決について (The Grand Panel Decision on Cross-Border Working of Network System Inventions)

Rademacher: 標準必須特許(SEP)の効力を制限する方法の「選択」の結果 (Consequences of "choosing" ways to limit the effectiveness of standard essential patents)

Ueno: 憲法上の基本権としての著作権──ミュージック・サプライ事件最高裁判決の現代的意義 (Copyright as a Constitutional Fundamental Right: The Modern Significance of the Supreme Court's Decision in the Music Supply Case)

Ando: 音声の法的保護に関する一考察 (A Study on the Legal Protection of Voice)

In total, the Festschrift features 49 Japanese and 11 English contributions, and can be ordered here.


"Reflections on AI (Artificial Intelligence)"(Ryoichi Mimura)